
Assalamualaikum, hey there  ðŸ™‚

This page contains links to some of the most-read posts in my blog. They consist of posts about how to’s, tips and some of my experiences about random stuff. Feel free to take a look and see if you would be able to gain anything out of them!

If you want me to share my experiences and thoughts about any topic, feel free to leave a question at my Ask.fm account and I’ll try my best to make it happen, insyaAllah. Most of the time it would happen, but it’d probably take some time 🙂

Side Note 1 : You are welcomed to share any of these posts if you want to, just make sure you put a link back to either this blog or the original post, and credit it back to me.

Side Note 2 : Most of these posts are not exactly “Oh, you should do this, you should do that” kind of post. It’s more of a sharing session as I relate them to my personal experiences and things that I have gone through in my life.

Enjoy 🙂

About Colleges and Stuff.

[Okay, this is special, considering the fact that I can’t write about a college/school that I’ve never been to, right?]

1) American Degree Foundation Program & INTEC Education College, Shah Alam
2) Kolej Tuanku Ja’afar, Mantin, Negeri Sembilan

Scholarship Interviews and Stuff.

1) MARA Program Ijazah Luar Negara
2) Securities Commissions Scholarship Award : Part 1&2 (combined)
3) Ask.fm FAQs 2 – Scholarships & Interviews

Faith, Islam and Stuff.

1) Perbetulkan Niat
2) Ramadan: Reflection & Comparison
3) Spread Love, not Hate

Study Skills and Stuff.

1) My Post-SPM Story
2) SPM : It’s Just A Piece of Paper
3) ADFP : Final Results
4) So, You Want to Study Abroad, Eh?
5) Ask.fm FAQ’s Part 1: What To Do After SPM?
6) Why Study in the USA?
7) Side Project with SPM Leavers(Google Hangout Session videos included)
8) What about Actuarial Science

Life Skills and Stuff.

1) Just Be True to Yourself
2) What Makes Me, ‘Me’?
3) Ego, Respect and Humility
4) Just Be You
5) Growing Up VS Growing Older
6) Overcoming Stage Fright
7) Preparing to go to the United States of America
8) Well, It’s Never Happening To Me.
9) Greener Grass All Around
10) Creating a Personal Brand Online
11) When Blind Faith Kicks In
12) Alive But Dead
13) Being Open and Professional
14) Drowning in a Sea of Choices
15) You’re Rejected, So What?
16) Following the ‘Manual of Life’
17) MH370: Insensitivity
18) President Barack Obama in Malaysia
19) To Malaysia: Happy Malaysia Day, and Sapere Aude
20) Nothing beats cultivating talent
21) And I Will Fight…
22) I’m not like you, I can’t succeed like you do

Sample Essays and Stuff.

1) University of Purdue Application Essay [ Introduction to your autobiography ]
2) Essay : Wish
3) Essay : Picture Perfect Life
4) Essay : Writing From Experience [ King’s Wood School ]
5) SPM Essay : That Day
6) Family, A Story [ by Faghira Afrina ]
7) SPM Essay : The Last Words
8) SPM Essay : The Last Words (2)
9) Personal Essay : Pillar of Strength

College Essays and Stuff.

Essays listed here are just some of the essays that I have written for some of my classes during my time at university. I put this here as a reference, both for my own reference and for others. Do note that since I am still a student, these essays are not perfect and may content some comments here and there (I try to put my final draft with feedback from my professors or instructors). Read and use at your own discretion, and please, no plagiarism.

1) ESL 118 (Spring 2014): PPSMI in Malaysia: An Idealistic or Realistic Situation?

2) Edu Psych 301 (Spring 2015): Identity and Culture