Hello there!
You might be here because you fall under one of these categories:
- You’re a fresh graduate and are currently looking for your first full-time job. If this is you, read on!
- You’re a soon-to-be graduate and are planning ahead for your job search after graduation. Good for you for planning ahead!
- You’re just bored and going through what I have here on this small blog.
Well, to make things easier for people to find these posts, I decided to make a page to feature all the Fresh Grad 101 posts that I have written so far.
Hopefully, some of these posts would be beneficial to you, in one way or another.
Fresh Grad 101 – my advice to fresh graduates
There is no one sure way of getting a job, nor is there a one sure way of being successful in life. Everyone is born different, with their own skill sets and personalities.
That being said – you can take actions and steps in order to boost your employability, which is what I try to help you with through some of these posts.
Do note that these posts are written from my own perspectives, so if you feel like some of the things I’ve written would not work for you for any reasons, don’t feel obliged to follow them.
Everything I share here are things I’ve personally done in my job search, or things that I’ve read on articles and books. Some are also things I see and hear throughout my life, from friends and strangers alike.
Feel free to read whichever posts that you want, and, if you found them to be helpful, do share it out with your friends and networks, so that they can benefit from it too!
Fresh Grad 101 – Compilation Posts
There will insyaAllah be more Fresh Grad 101 posts to come.
I do have plans to continue with at least a few more Fresh Grad 101 posts in the near future, but if you have any questions or requests for posts for me to write about, do let me know! 🙂
Until then, take care and good luck in your job search! And stay awesome!
Need to contact me?
You may email me at contact[at]syazanazura[dot]com or find me on my LinkedIn account.