So, hello world. Yes, I am alive, Alhamdulillah. A little bit tired and worn out, but alive all the same. And yes, it is currently 3:30am in the morning on Monday and I am still up. Woohoo. Say hello to my new weekly schedule – working the overnight (midnight – 8:00am) shift at the library. *throws imaginary confetti* Oh well, at least it’s a quiet night tonight.
It’s the start of the second week of class today. Last week was pretty hectic, with getting to know the classes that I’m taking (I’m taking 6 classes this semester), and with moving in the new apartment and all, man, it was tiring! The apartment is not yet done though, since Ami’s still waiting for her study desk and chair to arrive, and we’re waiting for the TV stand and light deco for the living room, but it’s pretty much a home to us right now, and I just feel so happy being in the apartment (well, I should, considering it cost me about $530 per month!)

That’s basically my study area for the next one year, so, yeah. 🙂
This upcoming year may be a little bit hectic than last year, since I am now officially a student in the Wisconsin School of Business. There’d be more events in the Business School that I would like to take part in, such as networking events and mock interviews. I’m also thinking about doing a job shadowing program at the end of the year, just ’cause it provides a great platform for me to learn more about what I’d be doing in this Actuarial Science major.
I’m also starting to take up some Actuarial Science classes, as well as other Business courses. If all goes well, I will be sitting for one of the professional exam for Actuarial Science (the FM exam), either this December or next February. [Wish me luck! I don’t want to have to retake it if I fail, ’cause it’s super expensive]

And, of course, there’s the Business School magazine (b.Line) and the Malaysian Students Association (MSA). Since I’m a part of the committee for both of these clubs, my plate will be kind of full with organizing events and updating the websites and all.
So, yeah, that’s pretty much it for now. Sorry I didn’t update the blog earlier, the WiFi connection in our apartment is super slow, so we’re getting Charter to upgrade it today (Monday). Hopefully, if the connection’s all better, I’d be able to blog again consistently (well, I’ll try to).
Until next time, take care and stay awesome!