So one of my lecturers in INTEC tagged me on Facebook for the Project Gratitude, in which I would need to post 3 things that I am grateful for every day for seven days. I thought I could compile all of them (since I finished the Project) for future references, and as a reminder for me to always be grateful for everything in life, even the small ones.
- Alhamdulillah for my two loving parents, Zainab Mohd Salleh and Noor Azmi Mat Adenan, and my three overly-annoying-but-I-love-them-all-the-same brothers, Lukman Azmi, Amir Rusyaide Noor Azmi and Eizat Firdaus. Being the only girl and princess in the family comes with many perks (ie not having to share a room with anyone, or getting (mostly) new clothes and a bunch of others), but it also has its responsibilities (ie I’m expected to do most of the things in the house when Mum & Dad aren’t home, etc).
- Alhamdulillah for the wonderful opportunity to be able to live in London, UK in 2005 & 2006. I met so many wonderful people in London, and made great friends like Tony James Bowerman, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. Living in London also gave me the chance to travel around Europe with my family, and I am so very much thankful for the early exposure.
- Alhamdulillah for the opportunity to study here in the United States of America for four years. I have learned so much over the past one year, and I’m excited to see what the next three years will bring. Although I have always thought that I would do my undergraduate years in the UK, somehow I feel like I was always meant to be here in the US.
- Alhamdulillah for all the teachers and lecturers I’ve had in all the schools and colleges that I have attended over the past years. Shoutouts to these special people (Norazean Farina, Zuraihan Saharudin, Sabrina Mohd. Said, Oliza Zain, Lorraine Durrant, Asma Kamarudin, Kamal Sallehuddin, Adam Scofield and a bunch of others as well) for teaching me more than just academic knowledge, but also taught me (both directly and indirectly) how to become a better individual.
- Alhamdulillah, endless thank you to God for giving me somewhat of a ‘gift’ in writing. It’s one of the things I treasure the most in my life, and I couldn’t imagine a life where I couldn’t write as well (or as comfortably) as I do (or did) now. My journal(s) and blog(s) have been my way of expressing myself, a way for me to constantly review and reflect on my life and my goals, and I wouldn’t want it to stop.
- Alhamdulillah for the bunch of people that I could call late at night just to scream and go crazy with. People come and go in life, and I’ve met so many people here and there. But to have these few friends whom I can call at random times of the day just to say whatever crazy shit that’s going around in my head without being judged or laughed at, that’s something that I am really thankful for.
- Alhamdulillah for the people I met in SSP, KTJ and INTEC, as well as those I met during my years at these places. It was fun observing everyone and seeing how everyone grow and change over the years, and seeing how everyone has gone on their separate paths to pursue their dreams. I’ve learned so much from everyone, no matter how little or often we talk or meet in real life.
- Alhamdulillah for strength that God has given me to pursue what I love the most. I wouldn’t be able to get this far without His blessings and strength, and I definitely wouldn’t be standing where I am now if He had abandoned me during my hard times.
- Alhamdulillah for the books that my parents allowed me to buy when I was young, as well as the books that were passed down from my cousins. I grew up in different worlds, from the world of witches and wizards to a place of young detectives and mysteries, and I’m thankful for all the time I was able to escape reality even for a little while.
- Alhamdulillah for the friends and co-workers I have here on campus. They’ve made everything that I do here so much more fun and memorable. From the friends at CRC 2013/14 to the people I work with at the library (and now, the Office of Admisisons as well). You guys rock.
- Alhamdulillah for the fact that Scandal Season 4 and How to Get Away With Murder premiered tonight. It’s nice to sit back and get away from studying for a couple of hours (despite having a Statistics quiz tomorrow -.-)
- Alhamdulillah for Tropicana’s and Florida Natural’s orange juices, the Disney’s movies and the Ben & Jerry’s Chunky Monkey that help me stay awake at nights to study (well, ‘study’, more like it).
- Alhamdulillah for the really nice weather for the past few days. It’s nice to go out and enjoy the sun before it gets colder and snow starts to come. And since it’s so nice out there, Alhamdulillah for the fact that we’ll be HIKING tomorrow morning, insyaAllah!
- Alhamdulillah for the weekend. It’s been a great start to the weekend (watching a movie in Philosophy class with free kosher donuts from the professor and a ‘halaqah’ / discussion with my girls), and I’m looking forward for a fun and tiring weekend.
- Alhamdulillah for and Ebay, without which I wouldn’t be able to get all the useless and random stuff that I love using every single day.
- Alhamdulillah for an awesome day yesterday (Saturday). From a morning hike at Devil’s Lake State Park, a basketball training, some games and get-together with my ‘second family’ here and ending the night with a movie (TFIOS) with my girls, it was indeed a fun (but tiring) day. :’)
- Alhamdulillah for MARA, without which I might not be able to come here to the States and experience all the things I’ve been through for the past year or so. MARA (alongside JPA and other sponsoring bodies) has opened up the door to an abundance of opportunities for many students, and like me, I’m sure every single one of them is grateful for the chance to explore other parts of the world while gaining knowledge and experience.
- Alhamdulillah for the nice apartment that I’m living in for the next one year, and to my housemates as well.
- Alhamdulillah for the fact that we have an Xbox in our apartment, and for Call of Duty: Ghosts and the other games, ’cause at least I have something to do whenever I’m stressed out or tired of studying.
- Alhamdulillah for all the people I met at all the conferences, symposiums, meetings, club activities and networking sessions that I go to. I’ve met so many people with different backgrounds and values and it helps me to get a different perspective in looking at life in general.
- Alhamdulillah for AA. Enough said.
So, yeah, that’s basically the full posts for my Project Gratitude.
I guess this Project really does make you think about the things in life that you are grateful for, be it your family and friends, or the fact that you’re even alive. Sometimes, you’ll also need a reminder to be grateful for the little things in life, such as the good weather, the one-hour coffee break with your friend, or something small but meaningful like that.
Feel free to join in and participate in the Project. Trust me, it’ll really make you think about what you are grateful for in life. 🙂